Mixed Jonquils

Jonquils are a very old-fashioned plant and once were found in every  backyard.

They are somewhat out of fashion, both as a garden plant and a cut flower, at the moment, I can only assume because they are such a common plant.

Which is such a shame as they grow in all areas of Australia except the far north, are easy to grow, require very little maintenance and will bloom reliably every year.

I love having jonquils in the garden, they are the first of the bulbs to bloom, commencing flowering in autumn and continuing to flower well into the winter, with some varieties flowering quite late in spring.

Jonquils make a wonderful cut flower as they are cheerful, beautifully perfumed and flower at a time of the year when very little is flowering, which allows me to pick bunches of them to bring inside to brighten the house during the cooler months.

Except for Soleil d’or, which is bright yellow with an orange centre, Jonquil flowers come is mostly whites and creams which makes them ideal for inclusion in bouquets and mixed bunches of flowers.

Bouquets and bunches can either made up of a single variety or mixed to give quite cheerful feel to any arrangement.

Personally, I think a bunch of Jonquil Paperwhite’s is probably my favourite and makes an elegant simple bouquet, suitable for a bride and perfect for the small hands of a flower girl.

Jonquil Paperwhite

All varieties work extremely well when included with other seasonal flowers to make mixed bouquets or table arrangements.

So, if you are planning to get married in the Autumn or winter why not consider Jonquils when choosing your floral arrangements and bouquets. They will be readily available, being in season and if you want to cut down on the cost of your flowers they will probably be easy to find in friends and families backyards.
